Thursday, November 29, 2012

Type 2 Diabetes - Diagnosing Blood Vessel Abnormalities in Diabetics

One of the most hazardous complications of Type 2 diabetes is damage to the heart and blood vessels. Some of these veins and capillaries are far too small to see without a microscope, but damage to them can have serious consequences throughout the whole body. The eyes and kidneys are two frequent examples of organs that can be damaged when tiny blood vessels are not able to serve them an enough supply of blood.

Researchers at Monastir University in Tunisia looked at a molecule known as pentosidine as a potential indicator of damage to our veins and capillaries. According to a record published in August 2012 in Diabetic Vascular Disease Research, measuring pentosidine levels could be a way of diagnosing damage that could lead to diabetic complications. The Tunisian study included:


200 citizen with Type 2 diabetes, and 30 non-diabetic controls.

It was found that pentosidine was high in diabetics with retinopathy and nephropathy. Those with high levels of pentosidine also had a high risk of high blood pressure and high blood fats.

From this data it was done that pentosidine could be an indicator of diabetic complications developing.

Pentosidine is an indicator of the nearnessy of developed glycation end products, or Ages. Ages are formed from oxidation and high blood sugar levels. They are toxic and could be what is behind the blood vessel damage seen often in Type 2 diabetes. When blood vessels are damaged the whole body is threatened because blood vessels carry oxygen and nutrients to every living cell, and carry away waste products such as carbon dioxide.

At some point pentosidine levels could become part of a regular checkup for diabetics. If the level are high, then further investigation might be warranted to study either retinopathy, nephropathy or other diabetic complications were also present.

the retinas, or back parts of the eyes where light forms a picture, are full of blood vessels, as are the kidneys, which is why they are two of the organs that often show diabetic complications early. the heart is other organ that can be a problem in Type 2 diabetes because the heart muscle needs a constant supply of blood to accomplish its constant work. strokes are other complication that can occur when blood vessels are unable to deliver blood to the brain and death of the nerve tissue making up the brain results.

To keep your blood vessels salutary and delivering blood throughout your body, keep your blood sugar levels under control. Discuss with your health care supplier how to use diet, rehearsal and, if necessary, a pharmaceutical regimen that will keep diabetic complications from forming.

Type 2 Diabetes - Diagnosing Blood Vessel Abnormalities in Diabetics

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