Sunday, September 23, 2012

What Is Progesterone Used For?

Womens' ovaries make two hormones - estrogen and progesterone. An easy way to remember what progesterone does is to break the word down. Pro (for), and gesterone (pregnancy/gestation) - it supports pregnancy.

Progesterone is a progestogen. Progestogens are a group of hormones which work in a similar way to progesterone - but only progesterone itself is natural. All the others in this group are synthetic. If progesterone is taken in the form of medication by mouth, the liver swiftly breaks it down.


In 1934 a artificial form was created to get round this problem. There are now over 10 artificial progesterones available. The most recent is a micronized version. Micronized means that the progesterone has been broken down into diminutive particles and avoids breakdown by the liver.

What Are Progestogens Used For?

If a woman has a health which leads to her ovaries failing to work, natural progesterone won't be made in enough quantities. Progestogens can be given to take their place. They can also help to treat abnormal bleeding from the uterus, Pms and in conjunction with Hrt. They are probably best known for their use in birth operate pills.

The Use Of Progestogens In Hrt

Hormone replacement Therapy (Hrt) is recommended for women going through menopause or for those who have suffered damage to their ovaries. However, it is a controversial issue. The use of Hrt implies that the fall in estrogen while menopause is a insufficiency but menopause is a naturally occurring condition. It may indeed be helping to safe the body.

For instance, it is known that estrogen can help the increase of inescapable breast cancers. Breast cancer is more prevalent in women around menopause age. So having a lower amount of estrogen in the bloodstream could be the body's own security against breast cancer.

At one time, the media portrayed Hrt as a considerable wonder-drug but evidence concerning its true benefits and security is conflicting. However, many women have flourished on it.

Hrt contains estrogen and if you have not had a hysterectomy (removal of the uterus) it will also comprise progesterone. This is because estrogen supplements given on their own can trigger uterine cancer but if a progestogen is given with it, that risk is virtually eliminated.

Estrogen is able to lower the risk of heart disease by increasing Hdl (a 'good' cholesterol) but artificial progestogens seem to lower this benefit - with the exception of the new, micronized form.

Progesterone and Pms

Pre Menstrual Syndrome (Pms) can make life a misery. It is idea that Pms is caused either by a lack of progesterone, the actual drop of progesterone levels or by the ranging ratio of progesterone to estrogen.

Both natural and artificial progesterones can be used in an effort to treat Pms. Natural progesterone is chemically processed from yams. It's given by suppositories (vaginal or rectal) or in the form of an injection. This is because it won't discharge if taken by mouth - so avoid any 'non-prescription' remedies containing extracts of wild or Mexican yam. It's physically impossible for them to work if swallowed.

Progestogens have been usually prescribed for the rehabilitation of Pms for the last 35 years. However, the British medical relationship still does not officially advise them as the majority of studies have not found progesterone to have any meaningful affect. Nevertheless, many women claim that it has helped them.

Side Effects Of Progestogens

* Don't use if you have ever had blood clots in your legs or liver disease.

* Don't take in reproduction unless continually monitored by a doctor.

* It may also cause bloating, tender breasts, weight gain, headache, moodiness and irregular vaginal bleeding.

What Is Progesterone Used For?

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