Friday, August 31, 2012

Black Salve - Alternative Cancer treatment or Snake Oil Swindle?

Alternative medicine has increased in popularity over the past 20 years partly because of rising health care costs and partly because many Americans have not found their health enhancing under original medicine modalities. One alternative cancer medicine that has been well optimized for on the internet involves an herbal composition called black salve.

A quick quest for the term will turn up some pretty scary stuff--pictures of habitancy with horrible holes in their faces and horrible scarring. There is a speculate for this. Black salve is corrosive. The longer it is left in place, the deeper the succeed goes into the skin.


A thick, leathery white scab forms where the "burn" occurred. It is not unusual for the area surrounding the scab to turn red and hard, similar to what happens when an infection occurs. Gently over the space of about seven days a soft, puss-like fluid develops between the scab and the skin. Until this layer turns clear and liquefies, it is difficult to remove the scab. As soon as the liquefaction process is complete, the scab lifts away.

It is then that it becomes apparent how deeply the salve has burned into the skin. At this stage, if the same precautions recommended by dermatologists after they have scraped away a cancerous lesion are not followed, severe scarring will occur. It is prominent to keep the area covered with petroleum jelly so the area remains moist preventing scab formation. Apply a bandage, and turn daily.

Risks associated with using black salve to treat basal cell carcinoma.

The only type of cancer that doctors are willing to admit may possibly be treated successfully with black salve is basal cell carcinoma. But there are risks involved, say dermatologists. Unless the salve burns straight through all the skin layers containing abnormal cancer cells, the skin can heal over the cancer and appear wholesome when in fact it is not. This is a risky situation as the cancer can metastasize and spread to other parts of the body, while the skin remains wholesome on the surface.

Potential of using black salve.

At the same time, there are what appear to be trustworthy reports from medical professionals who have used black salve to treat more severe forms of skin cancer with apparent success. Melanoma is known to be a rapid growing cancer that metastasizes readily. It is unlikely that whatever using black salve would be wholesome five years after using it to treat a melanoma unless it had been successful.

This is just what happened with J. Smith. She was an Rn who was diagnosed with melanoma on her cheek. The doctors told her that the only way to save her life would be to remove the lower left half of her face. She couldn't bear the notion of living the rest of her life deformed, so she began searching for an alternative route. She turned to black salve.

The naturopath she went to see, told her to apply the black salve to the melanoma for 24 hours. Then she was to wash it away completely. She was then to cover the area with a bandage and turn the bandage daily. Once the leathery scab fell off on its own, she was to keep the area covered with ointment so the skin could rebuild from the base upward. When I met her five years later, it was difficult to tell where the melanoma had been.

Cancer can recur even after original treatments.

If you have an area where basal cell carcinoma has occurred in the past and had the area scraped, there is still the potential for skin cancer to arise in the same area. The advantage of a natural recurrence after original scraping or burning is the fact that the abnormal cells generally occur at the skin's surface.

If you do conclude to turn to black salve as a treatment, identify that you are taking a risk. Your dermatologist checks under a microscope to ensure that all the existing cancerous cells have been removed. After you use black salve, you have no guarantee you have gotten all of it. Only you can conclude if this is a gamble you want to take.

Black Salve - Alternative Cancer treatment or Snake Oil Swindle?

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